Thursday, February 28, 2013

I love pasta

I can't begin to tell you the love affair I have with pasta.

I don't know how people don't eat carbs.  I would die.  I love carbs.  Especially in the form of pasta.  If I could prepare my meals for the rest of my life, I would probably eat pasta for every single meal.  It's an obsession (sickness).

Friday, February 22, 2013

New Recipe #2: Pesto Chicken Sandwich


I hope you're doing well.

Keeping up with blogging is quite more of a dedication than I was anticipating.

I've just been super busy and enjoying my life a little more than normal.  I'm also fulfilling my creative urges by working on my crocheting projects.  It's been fun and different.  Although my nails aren't too happy with me for ignoring them.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day Meal

This was as good as it looks.

Valentine's Day Manicure

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!  I hope you have a great day!  

I'm not too romantic.  I feel like I could be, but I don't like to be forced into it with a holiday like today. I just hope that everyone feels they're loved by at least someone every single day.  That's what matters.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Homemade Chicken Alfredo

I love pasta.  I feel like I should have been born Italian.  I love most Italian food.  I LOVE CHEESE (I like to ignore the fact that I am lactose intolerant).  I lost my train of thought.  My mouth is watering.

Now, this recipe isn't healthy.  But at least I didn't use a canned sauce.  And it's pretty effing delicious.

China Glaze (It's a Trap-Eze), Zoya (Kristen) and Essie Oh My

I am obsessed with nail polish even though it's hard to be on a nonexistent income.

I should make another goal for the year to try a lot of my untried polishes.

Personal Goals

My oh my has it been a while!

I apologize for the lack of dedication I have had towards this new blog recently.  I have been meaning to come and write, but I've been so busy! I've actually had plans during the weekends recently, and it's been nice.  Really nice.  However, I haven't had my own time in a while so I just feel like I've been in go mode for the past couple weeks.

It's crazy how much I took for granted before being a mom.  I love being a mom and I think it's what I was always meant to do (yes, I know, it's pretty nuts!).  However, I would be lying if I said that I don't miss life before little C sometimes.  Only sometimes.  It's very rarely.  I guess what I do end up missing pretty often is my own time.  The whole do anything I want at my own leisure.  Going out and being able to take my time going grocery shopping, not scheduling it around little C's naps.