Monday, January 7, 2013

Menu Planning

I've been asked by a couple of friends about how to menu plan.

Let's be planning isn't the most exciting thing.  I'd rather be playing with my little guy (little C), or spending time with the old ball and chain (big C), or even doing dishes.  I love preparing food, testing out new recipes and spontaneously putting together some sort of culinary masterpiece (by big C's standards), but having to sit down and meticulously plan what I'm going to prepare each day? B-O-R-I-N-G.

Now that I've completely discouraged you, let me discuss in detail how I go about doing this task.

It wasn't easy for me in the beginning.  In fact, it took forever for me to finish my list.  After weeks of practice, making weekly menus/grocery lists has become the easiest method.  I will be posting a photo of a sample list in the future.  Near future.  I PROMISE.

I'm old fashioned (in my mid 20s..haha) and I like to write everything out by hand.  I can't organize and think on a screen.

I use a regular old spiral notebook.  On the right hand side of the page, I list down the days of the week I'll be planning for.  I generally plan for six-eight days.  After eight, I start to feel super overwhelmed about how much cooking I'll be doing.  After this simple task, I check my calendar and see which days of the week I'll be busy (for example, if big C won't be around).  The busier the day, the easier the meal.  I designate a crock pot meal, leftovers or if we're feeling fancy, a dining out night to those busy days.

The rest of the days are free game.  I really enjoy cooking.  As a stay at home mom (still weird to me), I don't get a lot of opportunities to be creative.  Cooking is one of my few outlets.  So I like to include one new meal on each list, or two..or three.  Then I also have a plethora of go to recipes that are simple and tasty that I don't need to consult a recipe for.

There's a lot of organization that goes into these lists.  I keep a mental track of what items I have in my freezer/fridge.  By items I mean proteins and essential ingredients, like sour cream and quinoa.  I try to mix up what proteins I'll be including plus what type of meal it will be.  I refuse to have chicken three nights in a row, even if it is delicious.

If I'm stuck and can't decide what to make, I go to Pinterest and pick a recipe and hope for the best.

Overwhelmed yet? It's okay.  I was too.  Sometimes it seems overwhelming, but I assure you this makes the grocery shopping process easier and much more satisfying.  I'll explain why later.

Now, on the left side of the page, I write down my grocery list.  And this is my trick.  I can say that I thought of this organically, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who does this. My trick: I write down what I need based on the layout of my grocery store.  This works best for me because I prefer to go to one grocery store regularly.  I start in produce, then go to meats, then freezer aisles, dairy, and then the boxed/canned goods aisles.  Keeping a list organized in that fashion helps me out immensely.

I refer to my menu to determine what groceries I'll need for the week.  Then I write.  And write.  And write some more.  I'll be honest. The first couple of weeks, it took me well over an hour to write these things.  Mainly because I didn't feel motivated.  Partially because they were boring.  And mostly because I love Pinterest and got distracted way too easily.  Over time, I got better at this.  I can visualize everything in my fridge and cabinets.  It's a sixth sense, really.

Once I'm done with the freaking list, I burn it.  Ha, no.  I feel like it sometimes because yes, it's frustrating.  Not always.  But sometimes.

I guess it wasn't as elaborate of a process as I generally make it out to be.

It's not quick and to the point, but the hard work pays off.  I cut my grocery bill in half in nearly a month! The trick is to stick as closely to the grocery list as possible.  In the beginning, I made a rule for myself. I could deviate from the list 6 times.  With each passing week, I deducted one.  I'm still not perfect.  I now include a pint of gelato or some chocolate here and there, but I still end up spending way less than I used to.  Seeing the drop in cost is so satisfying.  I'm on a tight budget and saving every penny is not only helpful, but rewarding.  This is going to sound super cheesy, but I'm proud of myself when I spend less than what my budget allows.  I used to justify going over my limit, but now I feel like I spend less without even trying.  I promise you'll feel good too.  Who doesn't enjoy saving some money?  That's weird.

Making my list super organized gets me in and out of the store in no time.  I don't like to rush...I really enjoy grocery shopping, but I don't want to spend my entire day in there.  It's a smooth process.  And less stressful when I'm able to have such an organized list.  I love it.  That can be considered an admission of my craziness.  I fully accept that about myself.

Now with all that being said, let me make this clear: IT IS OVERWHELMING AND SUCKS IN THE BEGINNING.  Also, this may not be the perfect method for you if you're working and a mom.  Do what's best for you.  This method works perfectly for my family and me. Plus, sticking to this masterpiece of a list helps us spend less on going out to eat and helps me improve my awesome cooking abilities (I may be exaggerating just a bit on the word awesome here).

If you're somewhat intrigued, but are intimidated, here are more of my wise words:

  • It takes me less than 40 minutes to complete a list now, and that's with Pinterest serving as an amazing distraction.  And my amazing cute little C.
  • I told a good friend recently to try to do this a couple days at a time.  If you know you'll opt for going out to eat, then include that on your weekly list.  It's okay.  Do it in baby steps.
  • Don't be too critical of yourself.  I do this too much.  Any progress is a good thing.  Set smaller goals if need be.
Well, I think I've said enough here.  Big C just said, "Holy hell you're still writing? What are you even saying?" and he talks a lot.  So I guess that's my cue to end it.

Until next time.

P.S.  I'd love to hear if this method works for you if you try it.  Or if you have any questions about it please don't hesitate to leave a comment!

P.P.S. I save all of my lists so I can refer back to them for any meal ideas when I'm feeling stuck and get mad at Pinterest.

1 comment:

  1. Great post!! :)I'm definitely going to keep trying to meal plan!
