Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Menu Planning Continued..with Visuals!


Today was a rough day to say the least, but that's a part of being a mom, right?  I'm so accustomed to keeping a routine and following a schedule, so days like today are still difficult to get used to.

I'm glad some people benefited from the previous post of how I menu plan.  I wanted to include pictures this time.  These are just sample menus from the past couple of months.  I keep most of them in case I need to jog my memory for recipes.

I wanted to say another reason why I only do a week at a time.  I like to use as many fresh products in my meals as possible.  I purchase a lot of produce and since I don't want it to go bad, I give myself a week to use as much of it as I can.

Also, another way I end up saving money is by having a membership to Sam's Club.  I really encourage getting a membership to Costco or Sam's Club.  Some products really are cheaper in bulk.  I mainly love it for diapers and baby wipes, but we also use the membership for chicken, fish, shrimp, meat, and all that fun stuff.  We usually need to go once a month and we are good for that month.  It cuts down on weekly costs.  I know you have to pay for a membership, but you make it back with how much you save.

Okay, now that I've stepped off my soapbox, here are my grocery lists.  Forgive my chicken scratch and embarrassing spelling errors.

 This is the beginning of my list. Clearly. It's really high tech, right?
 This is the rest of my list. I just realized this includes feminine products.  Oops.  Hahaha.  This isn't as organized as it can be, but it works for me.

Here's the right side of the page.  I write down the days and the meals.  The top of the page is me "thinking out loud". I write down all the proteins I know I have in the freezer.  As you can see from all the scribbling, I change the daily menu when necessary.  I also fold this in half and place it on the fridge door so I can remind myself of what I'm making for the week.

Here's another list I had.

I hope this helps brighten up my dry post.  Thanks for reading.

Also, today felt like Christmas because my amazing friend Anna in Arizona sent me a surprise in the mail. 

Hello, beautiful.  She also included a set of bamboo spoons/spatulas.  I am in LOVE.  I don't know what I did to deserve this, but I'm definitely glad I did!

Until next time

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