Friday, January 18, 2013

Oh the pain

Happy Friday everyone!  I love the weekends because Big C is around so much more.

My last post was about the last week or so of pregnancy and my delivery.  It was quite the experience.  I was fortunate enough to have one of my sisters there who ended up photographing every moment in the room while I was delivering and after.  We have some amazing photos and I actually made a photo book with them.  Thanks sister!

Here's a forewarning: I'm going to be brutally honest.

Now, I don't remember where I left off in my last post, but I'm going to dive right into discussing the aftermath of giving birth.

I was absolutely elated.  Despite being ridiculously tired and not having slept a full night for two nights, I was overjoyed to have little C in the world.  Feeling his warmth, his body, his tiny and frail was all just amazing.  I was so elated that I couldn't sleep when I sent him to the nursery so I could "sleep".  Discussing sleep will be an issue for me during the first few months.  I remember telling everyone that I hadn't slept since April 8, 2012.

Anyways, besides feeling overjoyed, I was also in a lot of pain.  By a lot, I mean a lot.  The epidural faded and then reality sunk in.  Peeing alone was painful.  I feared the bathroom.  Everything stung.  I felt like I had been torn apart.  When I felt overwhelmed, I just looked over at little C and the pain seemed to subside temporarily.

Just to inform you, the degree of tearing varies from woman to woman.  I had 2nd degree lacerations.  Regardless, the healing process is difficult at first.  Everything in my world had been turned upside down, so vag pain was just such a drag.  The ointment the hospital provides is amazing.  I asked them to supply me with a ton of it.  I suggest you do the same.  I think I had 3 or 4 tubes in my bag to take back home.  Plus the pads saturated in witch hazel.

I did use those gorgeous mesh panties they provide for you as well.  And the huge absorbing towels they call pads.  I looked a mess, but the mesh panties were a godsend for me.  They were loose and just what I needed. You don't have to use them.  It's all about preference.  But unwrapping a pad and all that fun stuff was just too much work for me at the time.

Bleeding is normal.  It'll happen for a few days so make sure you're stocked up on pads of your choice! And if you're breast feeding, the bleeding will happen more when you breast feed, because that helps your uterus contract and shrink.

Now, to hopefully make you feel better: I recovered down there in a week.  At least the stinging pain and the fear of touching my butt to the toilet.  After one week, I was still a little sore there.  Like I had fallen off the trampoline and landed on the outer edge of it with my legs apart (I say this because I've experienced it).  I tried not to walk much because my legs were weak and it felt like they had to carry a ton of concrete on them.

Also, let me say that I was so concerned about little C that I was too distracted to focus solely on the pain.

Maybe I embellish because I hadn't slept in a just know that I could be over-exaggerating. But  what's a good story without some hyperboles, right?

Here's some advice though:

  • Don't move around if you don't have to.  The faster you heal, the better you'll be emotionally.  Although the pain was overwhelming at times, looking back the quick healing process helped me gain a sense of normalcy in a new and chaotic world. 
  • Ask for help. If you're fortunate to have people around to help you, take advantage.  Avoid the kitchen, avoid anything which involves standing.  Just take care of your precious baby and rest your body.  Although giving birth happens every day for a lot of women, it isn't easy. 
  • Go to the bathroom when you have to.  It's going to be scary awful.  But you'll make it.  If you hold off, it feels worse.
  • Humble yourself and ask for stool softeners from your doctor if you have to.  I don't think I need to elaborate on this point.
  • Ask for extra strength tylenol or ibuprofen.  I don't remember the exact name, but my doc prescribed it for me and it was a godsend.  Only do this if you will have people around you at all times because the meds can make you a little tired.
  • Don't be a hero.  I know the word is heroine.  I hate that word.  But seriously don't.  There may be guilt due to not helping out with household chores and whatnot, but you just HAD A BABY. You should have a medal for that feat.  You'll have plenty of time to over exert yourself, but why do it when your body isn't at full physical capacity?
  • STOCK UP ON PADS BEFORE you go to the hospital.  Remember those times you had to send a male individual out to get the pads of your choice? Yeah, it sucked right? Do you really want to deal with that while being sleep deprived and in pain? Didn't think so.
Sorry if I scared you, but I don't want to sugarcoat things and I especially don't want myself to forget this part of motherhood.

On a lighter and brighter note, THE PAIN IS WORTH IT ALL.  I haven't been this happy and satisfied with my life, EVER.  I love being a mom.  And I was the girl saying I'd never have kids.  I'm glad that didn't stick.  Being a mom, watching my little guy grow up and learn new things daily is a blessing.  I'm eternally grateful for this opportunity. I know you will be too.

This was rough, I know, but I know you'll do great.  And if I can survive it, you definitely will.

Until next time.

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