Monday, January 7, 2013

A Speedy Introduction


I've finally done it. I've finally stepped foot into the blogger world.  This is a big deal for me as I've been contemplating doing this for a while.  Before I get to blogging about actual topics, let me just give you a slight idea of what I'll be writing about.  You've been warned.

My mind is always running.  My thoughts aren't always organized or cohesive, but sometimes they're useful.  I'm going to be discussing my passion: cooking.  I'll delve into topics like being a new mom.  You'll see pictures of nail polish and my attempts at being creative with them.  Reviews of Pinterest recipes and/or crafts will happen, too.

I'm opinionated, but open-minded.  Sometimes what I say may be uncomfortable, but that's what the truth is sometimes, right? All that's written here is my opinion.  No one else's.  I'll always tell my truth and be honest about how I feel.  I'm not one for sugar coating, but I'm not one for perpetuating any sort of negativity.

I'm curious to see where this takes me.  How long I can stick with this.  Writing has always been therapeutic, so I look forward to this journey.  This is mainly for my amusement, but if that means that at some point along the way my writing can be some sort of entertainment for someone, well, that'll be pretty cool too.

If you have any suggestions about what I should write about, please let me know!

Thanks for reading.  I look forward to seeing what this can become.

Until next time.

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